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AIA's medical network across 20+* specialities

Our Extensive Medical Network

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Enter all characters and numbers e.g. A123456(7) should be entered as A1234567

List of Cashless & Designated Hospitals and Day Surgery Centres

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Customer Hotline

Contact us to make an appointment with a specialist in our network

For CEO plans

Please call (852) 2232-8870

Select language, and then press 1, 1

Mon-Fri: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Sun and Public Holiday: Closed

For other medical plans

Please call (852) 2232-8888
Select language, and then press #2, 1

Mainland Toll Free Hotline

Please call 4008-428-013
Select language, and then press #2
Mon-Fri: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Sun and Public Holiday: Closed
*These figures cover both individual and group medical plans, both figures will be updated timely.