Taking care of your medical and emotional needs from diagnosis, treatment to the recovery
Personal Medical Case Management Services with Rehabilitation Management
When customers opt for a second opinion, they receive a single page of written advice, rather than an ongoing personally adapted services. Following a second opinion, the customer is often left with questions and overwhelmed with treatment options as well as the need to choose the best doctor and hospital.
With Personal Medical Case Management Services, the customer is never alone. The service accompanies the customer at all times, throughout the journey of diagnosis, treatment until recovery.
Not necessarily. The service is mainly carried out through communication with doctors and nurses from Medix over the phone, video conference or email.
Medix' assessment of treatment will be based on medical necessity. Medix will only consider recommending consultation or treatment abroad if there is insufficient experience or a lack of local specialists in the relevant fields.
Personal Medical Case Management Services and Rehabilitation Management support customers at different stage during their treatment and rehabilitation journey.
Personal Medical Case Management Services focus on providing support to the customer to ensure accurate diagnosis and personalising the most suitable treatment plan. Rehabilitation Management focuses on providing support to the customer during the rehabilitation stage, after the treatment.
Both services are here to accompany customers and help reduce some of the burden providing confidence, clarity and control and ensuring personalised and tailored pathways throughout their medical journey.
According to the 2019 Global Burden Disease Study, one in every three people globally has conditions that could benefit from rehabilitation1.
And according to World Health Organization Report2, rehabilitation helps to minimise the disabling effect of chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, including pain and other complications. Globally, about 2.4 billion people are living with a health condition that benefits from rehabilitation. This estimated need for rehabilitation is going to increase in the coming years.
2 Source: World Health Organization https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Management is applicable to insured person of designated insurance plans with the following conditions:
- Diagnosed with cancer and have received the relevant surgery, treatment or medical procedure, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, biological treatment; or
- Diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases and have completed the relevant surgery or medical procedure, including cardiac angioplasty, open heart surgery, heart valve replacement.
According to Medix and AIA statistics1, Cancer and Cardiovascular conditions are among the most prevalent and also are conditions which people are most concerned about.
According to World Health Organization Report2, rehabilitation helps to minimise the disabling effect of chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, including pain and other complications2. As such, we wanted to offer services that will provide value to our customers at times when they need it most. AIA and Medix will review the service from time to time to consider the need to expand the scope of the services.
1 According to the AIA internal claims statistics on 2018, 2019 & 2020
2 Source: World Health Organization https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Management is an extension service of the Personal Medical Case Management Services. All existing eligible customers of Personal Medical Case Management Services will be entitled to Rehabilitation Management.
Similar to Personal Medical Case Management Services, this service is separated from insurance coverage. The provision of service does not imply AIA's any admission of liability of any benefit claim. Customers are recommended to reference their policy contracts for the protection coverage. For any queries, please contact AIA or your financial planners for details.
Know more
For application of service, please call (852) 2232-8820
Service hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sun and Public Holiday Closed
Get in touch with your financial planner
Visit Medix website
Important information
- Subject to individual policy provisions, the personal medical case management services and / or Rehabilitation Management may only be the value-added services and not form part of the contractual benefit. AIA reserves the right to amend or cancel the service at any time without prior notice at its absolute discretion. For detail, please refer to your policy provision, or contact AIA for enquiry.
- Medix is an independent third-party company. AIA shall not be responsible or liable for any medical service, product and solicitation effort provided by Medix, which is not sold or marketed by AIA.
- Eligibility for service is subject to evaluation^ by AIA and Medix and the services provided are subject to the terms and conditions of Medix.
- Additional charges might be incurred for some particular services stated by Medix.
- With customer's informed consent, their medical history will be passed to Medix for providing the related services.
- Statistics and service information stated in this webpage have been verified by Medix only. AIA shall not be responsible or liable for the statistic and services information stated in this webpage.
- The above information is for reference only. Please contact Medix for full details of the scope of the service.
^ Evaluation includes the status of customer's eligible benefit and his / her medical conditions. The service may not be applicable to certain medical conditions related to: conditions typically attended to by primary healthcare services (e.g. influenza), emergency conditions, cosmetic and aesthetic medicine, fertility and obstetrics, psychiatric and / or mental conditions, conditions which require regular management under specialised clinics (e.g. diabetes), dentistry related conditions, substance abuse related disorders and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), etc. Rehabilitation Management is only applicable for Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease patients with specific conditions. Please contact Medix to learn more and check eligibility for specific cases.