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The content of this website does not contain the full terms of the product and the full terms can be found in the policy contract. You have the right to request a sample of policy contract before committing to the purchase. Please note the relevant product risks. This product can be purchased as an add-on plan.
- All information here is for reference only. The product information in this webpage does not contain the full terms of the product. For the details of the product features, terms and conditions, exclusions and key product risks, you may refer to the product brochure and policy contract of the relevant products. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA.
- This add-on plan can be attached to any specified basic plan.
- PAC Select 3 - Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit add-on plan is a Core Cover (Compulsory).
- Applicable to any of the injuries listed in the Benefits Schedule for Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit within 180 days from the date of an accident involving the insured.
- Permanent Total Disability Benefit is a Core Cover (Compulsory) under PAC Select 3 - Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit add-on plan.
- During the continuance of such disability.
- PAC Select 3 - Accidental Medical Expenses Reimbursement Benefit add-on plan is an Optional Cover.
- Applicable to the reasonable and customary medical expenses for such treatment or services which have been incurred within 52 weeks from the date of an accident.
- Accidental Reconstructive Surgery Benefit is an Optional Cover under PAC Select 3 - Accidental Medical Expenses Reimbursement Benefit add-on plan.
- Applicable to reconstructive surgery advised by a registered medical practitioner and the reasonable and customary medical expenses which have been incurred within 52 weeks from the date of accident.
- Medical Appliance Subsidy is an Optional Cover under PAC Select 3 - Accidental Medical Expenses Reimbursement Benefit add-on plan.
- If the insured become hospitalised due to a covered injury caused by an accident and is advised by a registered medical practitioner to purchase any medically necessary medical equipment for the covered injury.
- PAC Select 3 – Daily Hospital Income Benefit add-on plan is an Optional Cover.
- Applicable to a covered illness or covered injury. The coverage is only eligible in covered areas. For hospital confinement outside of the covered areas, the Daily Hospital Income Benefit will be reduced by 50% and subject to a maximum of HK$/MOP 480 or US$60 for each day per life.