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The content of this website does not contain the full terms of the product and the full terms can be found in the policy contract. You have the right to request a sample of policy contract before committing to the purchase. Please note the relevant product risks. This product can be purchased as a basic plan.
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- The above information is for Hong Kong only.
- All information here is for reference only. The product information in this webpage does not contain the full terms of the product. For the details of the product features, terms and conditions, exclusions and key product risks, you may refer to the product brochure and policy contract of the relevant products. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA.
- This plan can only be purchased as a basic plan.
- Life insurance policies are long-term contracts of insurance. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid.
- If the policy owner passes away before age 75 and provided that the policy has been in force for 2 years or more at the time of death of the policy owner, the insured child will continue to enjoy cover under the policy without having to pay the remaining premiums of the basic plan until the insured child reaches the age of 25. This premium waiver is available for policies issued to insured under age 18, provided that the policy owner is aged 18 to 50 at policy issue.