If you switch jobs, you may end up holding several MPF Personal Accounts. We recommend you consolidate them to make it easier and more effective to manage all your MPF assets. You can also enjoy management fees rebates^.
^ For details on the management fees rebate, please refer to the programme leaflet.
According to the latest "AIA Desired Retirement Tracker", 7 in 10 Hong Kong people will not be able to achieve their retirement reserve goals. Check out our "Retirement Savings Calculator" for a better understanding of your retirement needs and whether you have any retirement reserve shortfall. Then consider making tax deductible voluntary contributions as needed and enjoy tax benefits*.
* Tax deductions are one of the allowable deductions from assessable income, it does not equate to a direct deduction from total tax payable. For details of tax deductions, please visit the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) of HKSAR website and consult your tax and accounting advisors for tax advice.
You can use our Online MPF Assets Transfer Service to consolidate your MPF Personal Accounts, transfer assets under MPF Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Accounts and submit your Employee Choice Arrangement transfer election form to us anytime, anywhere, quickly and easily. It normally takes only about 7 working days. After opening an account, you can check all the submitted forms online at any time. After consolidating and transferring your MPF assets, you will receive an SMS or email confirmation notification.
Chat with AIA
If you are not sure how many MPF Personal Accounts you have, you can contact your AIA MPF intermediary or check with the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. You can also download the "AIA Connect" mobile app, and "Andy" will provide an instant response to your questions about MPF account consolidation at any time.
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