Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3

Plan a brighter future with flexible multi-currency options

Limited time offers
Get up to 24% premium refund on 5-year or 10-year premium payment term
Terms & conditions apply. Refer to the promotional leaflet for details.
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Product Overview

Offers up to 9 currency options so you can build your wealth with potentially greater returns
Benefit term Whole life
Issue age 15 days to age 80

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The content of this website does not contain the full terms of the product and the full terms can be found in the policy contract. You have the right to request a sample of policy contract before committing to the purchase. Please note the relevant product risks.

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  • All information here is for reference only. The product information in this webpage does not contain the full terms of the product. For the details of the product features, terms and conditions, exclusions and key product risks, you may refer to the product brochure and policy contract of the relevant products. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA. 

  • Life insurance policies are long-term contracts of insurance. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid.
  1. Macau pataca is only applicable for policies issued in Macau.

  2. As of 15 September 2023, compared with savings insurance products provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies.

  3. After the end of the 3rd policy year or the end of the premium payment term, whichever is later, you can exercise the Policy Split Option and transfer certain policy values from the current policy to a separate policy, splitting one policy into two. This option can only be exercised once per policy year.

  4. This is available once per policy year, after the end of the 15th policy year and within 30 days after the end of each policy year.

  5. Bonus Unlock Option was pioneered by AIA in the Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 2 on 5 October 2022.

  6. Within 30 days after the end of each policy year, starting from one year after you have exercised the Bonus Lock-in Option, you may apply to exercise the Bonus Unlock Option once per policy year.

  7. Upon our approval of the designated recipient's application and subject to applicable laws and our prevailing rules and conditions.

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