Savings Plan

Financial flexibility for prosperous growth

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Product Overview

Financial flexibility for prosperous growth
Benefit term Whole life
Issue age 15 days to age 75

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The content of this website does not contain the full terms of the product and the full terms can be found in the policy contract. You have the right to request a sample of policy contract before committing to the purchase. Please note the relevant product risks.

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  • All information here is for reference only. The product information in this webpage does not contain the full terms of the product. For the details of the product features, terms and conditions, exclusions and key product risks, you may refer to the product brochure and policy contract of the relevant products. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA. 

  • Life insurance policies are long-term contracts of insurance. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid.
  1. The Special Bonus is a non-guaranteed bonus which may be declared to your policy once per policy year starting from the end of the 11th policy year if all of the following conditions are met: i) no policy value has been withdrawn from the policy, including no partial surrender of the policy has been made; ii) no Value Safeguard Option and no Bonus Lock-in Option have been exercised; and iii) no payment has been made under the Mental Incapacity Option (except Special Bonus may be payable if your policy is terminated due to exercise of the Mental Incapacity Option, provided all of the above conditions for Special Bonus are met).

  2. As of 9 December 2024, compared with savings insurance products provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies.

  3. If the withdrawal amount consists of the cash value of any Reversionary Bonus, it will lead to reduction of the face value of the Reversionary Bonus, and any Reversionary Bonus which the Company may declare subsequently and in the future will be reduced accordingly. If the withdrawal amount consists of part of the guaranteed cash value and the corresponding cash value of Terminal Bonus, it will lead to reduction of the principal amount of your policy. The subsequent guaranteed cash value, the face value and cash value of Terminal Bonus, and total premiums paid for the basic plan (as used in the calculation of the death benefit) will all be reduced based on the reduced principal amount, and any Reversionary Bonus and any Terminal Bonus which the Company may declare subsequently and in the future will be reduced accordingly. Therefore, withdrawal of the cash value of any Reversionary Bonus or the guaranteed cash value and the corresponding cash value of Terminal Bonus will in turn reduce the death benefit, the surrender benefit, the future value of your policy and the sustainability and potential growth of the value of your policy.

  4. Bonus Unlock Option was pioneered by AIA in the Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 2 on 5 October 2022.

  5. Exercising the Bonus Lock-in Option will reduce the future value of your policy and the sustainability and potential growth of the value of your policy. By exercising the Bonus Unlock Option, you can unlock and transfer a certain amount of the latest value of the Bonus Lock-in Account as non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus. The timing and frequency of exercising the Bonus Unlock Option may significantly affect the return of your policy. The unlocked part may be subject to the risk of higher investment return volatility whenever you exercise the Bonus Unlock Option. For details, please refer to the product brochure.

  6. First-in-market refers to the Beneficiary Flexi Option’s feature where the policy owner allows the beneficiary to choose to receive the death benefit payment in accordance with the beneficiary’s selected settlement option when the beneficiary has attained the designated age chosen by the policy owner or when the beneficiary is diagnosed with a specified illness. This feature is first-in-market when compared with the savings insurance products provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies, as of 9 December 2024.

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